Thursday, November 17, 2005

Why a Blog?

My knitting life started in August when I decided to teach myself how to knit. I bought a book & got confused on the first day - I couldn't figure out how to cast on. So I called a local yarn store that I found online to see if they offered classes and they convinced me to come to their Stitch & Bitch group that night. I started a scarf out of expensive eyelash yarn & my obsession began. The long story of that scarf will have to be a subject of its very own. I love my knitting circle! They are a great bunch of ladies.

Like so many others, I think I might burst if I don't write about my knitting habit. And my new yarn habit. At first I thought I'd use a blog to keep a record of sorts of the projects that I completed & gave away. Afterall, I don't want to forget the beautiful (to me) things I've made, but I also don't want to double gift the same or similar things to other people! Maybe because I'm new I think I'll be knitting up things for other people all of the time. The more new projects I see for me, the more I think screw everyone else! I want me a sweater! But we'll see - Right now I'm working on Christmas gifts. After those are done I'll figure out what I really want to knit because right now, the list seems endless.

Second subject, yarn. Now that I'm doing this, I figure if I confess the true extent of the amount of yarn I have that maybe someone will stop me. But in my defense, I've gotten tons for free or cheap from yard sales. I have also traded my time to the girl that is teaching me so she gave me some really nice yarn. But I have bought quite a bit. Photographs to follow - I'm telling you, it's ugly. On the other side of that, maybe someone can help give me ideas of what to make with some of my stash. I really can't just look at yarn & say "that would make a beautiful sweater" - I need to see pictures.

Comments & visitors are surely welcome! let me know what you think.

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