Saturday, June 03, 2006

Clapotis down, 1,000,001 projects to go....

I finished my Clapotis yesterday. If that announcement sounds unenthusiastic it's because I'm not even excited about it. Thus my realization of how deep my "process knitter" syndrome goes. I really don't even care that it's done. Or that I have a cool new wrap that, as its characteristics dictate, compounds perfectly into a cozy scarf. It's pretty and I've actually already used it more than any other item I've knitted to date. When I woke up this morning it was about 68 degrees in my house which tells me that SOMEONE was playing with the thermostat...but I I had it on with my tank & pj capris this morning. It's very cozy and I like it but within literally 10 minutes of finishing it I was looking around for the next project.

A few points about my clappy:
* I only had 588 yards of yarn. I started to panic when I read on the knitalong how most people used 800+ yards. Last Monday at Mary's Betty suggesting eliminating a repeat of straight rows so that's what I did. When I was done I had what looks like tons of yarn, but I'm sure I would have come up 10 rows short & I would be hating life - and clappy - so I am extremely happy about it. Thanks for the help :)
* What in the world is up with that oblong edge? (see pix 2) It's supposed to be a RECTANGLE. I don't know if I started knitting tight at the end or what, but it's seriously screwed up. I hadn't intended to block it but I'm going to try it. The yarn is 75% acrylic, 25% wool so I think it will block but I don't claim to be an expert. Especially considering I've never blocked a thing.
* I'll get to those hanging strings, I swear.
* I must have gotten slightly off on the pattern because one of my dropped rows isn't quite right. I have a line of stockinette going through about 1 1/2 inches of dropped row. A muggle wouldn't notice & I had to really search for it after the fact, but I know it's there. I'm sure a seasoned knitter would catch it right away & internally -if they knew what was good for them - say "if she hadn't screwed up that part it would be perfect".
* I committed the knitters sin. The bad one. I knotted my balls together in a few spots. I know I shouldn't I KNOW it's going to come back to haunt me, but THERE! I said it. I won't even promise not to whine about it when the whole damn thing comes unravelled.

That's it. The end of my Clapotis saga. The winner of the new project search was the second pinwheel baby blanket for my boss's baby. He isn't due until September so I figured I could pick it up / put it down for a few months in between stuff for me. I forgot what a PAIN IN THE ASS the start of that blanket is, but I'm past it. I really like the self-striping yarn is coming out. I've used varigated but not self-striping so it's kind of fun!

Now what's next....

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